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Special Color
Special Color

1. all kind of relief

  • glass releif flux : 12183 (560-600℃)
  • low Pb onglaze relief flux:31186 (780-820℃)
  • Pb free onglaze relief flux:35180
  • onglaze relief white:35280
  • inglaze relief
  • pink
  • Magenta
  • red pink
  • blue pink
2.glass gold pink

       -桃红11907 :560-600℃
       -四色红 11908 :560-600℃
       -红玛瑙 11901 :540-580℃
       -紫玛瑙红 11902 :540-580℃

3. 51 series enamel colors (see firing)

4. 34 series Pb free Cd red/yellow (see firing)

5. 64 series inglaze stronge red/yellow

6.covering fluxes (no color changing to underlay color)

7.All kind of underlay white

8.Inglaze matallic color.

Magenta mixing with Cd red

  • general gold color can not be mixed with Cd red color. Izawa special made low Pb onglaze magenta 31944 can be mixed with any Cd red to get any color tone inbetween Cd red and maroon. 31944 can also be used with Cd yellow to get yellower four color. The four color design can be overprinted by any Cd red colors.
  • Pb free version: 36907/36911 with Pb free Cd red 34652.
  • Izawa Pb free glass pink can be mixed with Cd red glass colors.
  • Izawa inglaze gold colors can be mixed with inglaze Cd red.
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